RangeMe Design System

An entire design system refresh to align with RangeMe’s 5 core design principles.

Designed 5 libraries and 700+ components

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My role

 I led a team of 3 designers to reorganize/redesign a design system from the ground up using Figma’s auto layout and variants functions.



Figma | Illustrator


4 months




Improve design and engineering handoff

Help designers quickly find the right components

Improve consistency between designs

Make responsive designs quicker to implement

Speed up hi-fi design process


Reduce bandwidth for core projects

Initially slow down implementation due to unfamiliarity with Figma’s new component/variant tool

Create design debt


After analyzing the costs and benefits of this project I realized that the benefits definitely out weighs the costs. Knowing this, I was able to create a presentation highlighting the current problems and why revamping our current design system would be a huge benefit to the business.


What we improved


Detailed Descriptions and Links to Documentation

Components have more detailed descriptions about when and why they are used. Additionally, links to view developer documentation were added to improve the engineer’s experience.

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Breaking Down Complex Components & Creating Variants

Components are structured in a way where elements can be customized and dynamic. This improves the consistency of the design library as complex interfaces can be composed of simpler building blocks without needing to be built from scratch.


Making Components Responsive

Elements within components dynamically respond to resizing instead of being distorted or misplaced allowing designers to quickly iterate and prototype new ideas.



Next steps

  • Build out the mobile component library

  • Keep library components and elements up-to-date

  • Improve documentation of spacing and padding requirements to help devs implement designs